Looking back at 2023- our end of the year recap

Looking back at 2023- our end of the year recap

My, oh, my, another year has come and gone and I find the saying to be true, “the days are long, but the years are short.”

At every year’s end, I like to look back and reflect upon the year- the ups, the downs, the good, the bad, the ugly, the ways that YHWH has provided for our every need and watched over and protected us.  Each year end blog post is a gift for me to look back upon and remember.  So without further adieu, here is our 2023 in a nutshell.

One of our biggest accomplishments this year was to be outside for 1000 hours.  When I first learned about this challenge, I loved the idea behind it, so it was easy to jump right in!  While it was our goal to meet the thousand hours, my ULTIMATE goal was just to get the kids outside more- off of screens, using their imaginations and connecting with nature.  Despite the harsh summers here, that are nearly unbearable to be outside, we met ALL of the above goals.  We spent our days hiking, exploring, kayaking, camping, having bonfires, fishing, swimming, playing at playgrounds, drawing with chalk, blowing bubbles, having play dates, puddle splashing, worm hunting, gardening, having picnics, riding bikes and learning about plants and animals. I have had several people comment to me that they just love how my kids are outside all the time, making up games and using their imaginations.  They can be outside for hours and hours (1,070 hours and 8 minutes to be exact)!

January started off our year with our first family 5K! Jedi came in 2nd place among all the kids. Levi followed, then myself and Trent finished later with Eliza. They had bouncy houses, archery (which Jedi is actually VERY good at!) and other games, and of course, free post-race cookies and beer!

Trent and I got a chance to go see the season 3 finale of “The Chosen” in the theater (our first date of 2023).  I wore my “Chosen” t-shirt and some earrings that another extra in the filming had handed out. They are little fish that say F5K (feeding the 5,000). This was exciting because this was the episode that my mom, Eliza and I had been extras in the previous summer.  We left the theatre slightly disappointed that we didn’t spot ourselves, and yet were not in the least surprised seeing as there were SO many extras that day.  It wasn’t until much later in the year, the fourth or fifth time we’d watched through the season, in fact, that we decided to actually try to pause the big crowd scenes at home and see if we could spot us. Although I didn’t see any of us, Jedidiah “Eagle Eye” Logsdon immediately spotted us.  I thought, “Wow!  How cool that we made it into one scene!”  And as we continued to go on, we found a few more cameos. So we did make it into the episode after all! #almostfamous lol

We got to watch our flower girl (from just a *few* years ago) play in one of her high school basketball games. Not only did we get to see her, but her momma, Missy, and Melita, some of my dear friends from when I first moved here to San Antonio. Sometimes it feels like time doesn’t pass so quickly, but when I see her or some of the other kids we have watched grow up, it gets pretty real. Anyways, Jedi and Baylee used to hang out when we’d pick her up from school and watch her a few afternoons a week, so it was fun to see them together again (both have grown and changed so much!). 

We also rung in the Chinese New Year together with our friend Todd.  Not that we ascribe to much of the traditions that come along with this, but it does help us remember our time in China and share a little bit of our experiences there with our children.  Plus… we get to eat Chinese food… so, enough said.

February brought a very special celebration for a very special lady!  Trent’s mom, Debbie, turned 70 this year, so we did our best to make it memorable.  I went through old photos and found a bunch of her with her kids and lots of her and the grandkids and collaged them all together on big cardboard numbers, 7-0.  They turned out great and it was so fun to watch all the grandkids go through the pictures and try to identify which baby was which.  We also all wrote things we loved about Nana- 70 of them to be exact- and put them in a jar for her to read and to know and be reminded of how very loved she is!

We also got to visit with an old friend of ours who was actually a pretty integral part of Trent and I getting together so many years ago.  It was much at her urging that we met and began to hang out.  She and her husband were also integral in our decision to move abroad to teach for a few years.  She and her hubby just moved back stateside after 10 years in Malaysia!  We’d seen them a few times over the years (including once in Kuala Lumpur), but it was really fun to get all the kids together and we enjoyed our outing to the Witte Museum!

February is also rodeo time in San Antonio!  We always wait for the free family day and the kids always enjoy seeing all the animals!  This year we watched bull fighting- which was anxiety-inducing for me, but the boys absolutely loved it.  They were enthralled.  To this day one of their favorite outside “games” that they play is to swing our big swing and dodge it, pretending like they’re bull fighting.

March brought another special celebration- our 12 year anniversary!  While we usually don’t do anything particularly special for our anniversary, I came across an old box full of wedding mementos and my mind went to work.  As a family, we took a trip down “memory lane,” sharing 12 special/unique memories from our wedding day with our kiddos. We finished with our wedding video and they got a kick out of seeing people they know from 12 years ago! 

March was also time for us to take our annual bluebonnet pictures.  We’ve tried to make this a family tradition as we don’t get many family photos.  They’re nothing fancy- just self-timered photos, but I’m always thankful to have them!

April brought the beginning of the spring feasts.  This year we celebrated Passover at our friend Megan’s house.  Last year they came to our home and celebrated with us, this year we went to their house and celebrated with them!  We enjoyed our Seder dinner together and loved our time spent with these special friends!

We wrapped up our first year of AWANA, where the kids learned many Bible verses and had a whole lot of fun!

We also had a really great time at Folk Fest in New Braunfels.  This was our first year hearing about it and we ended up running into several friends there that made it even more fun.  The kids made hand-dipped candles and bricks, had “high tea” (aka lemonade and cookies), and saw lots of animals!

We ended April on a bit of a low note.  We were headed to camp in Concan to celebrate our friend Ross’s birthday.  It was a very windy day when we were driving and there were a lot of severe storms to the south of us. All of a sudden I began to feel a lot of drag on the car so I pulled off to the side of the road.  As I looked in the rearview mirror, I saw that our pop-up camper had ripped open and was basically a huge parachute behind us.  Basically the wind had gotten underneath it, ripped the clasps right off of the camper and jammed the front end up, while the back end was stuck down. We had two sweet, sweet teenage boys stop to help us and they were a total Godsend.  They ended up ratcheting the camper down so we could at least finish our drive.  When we got to Concan, the people working there were also super kind.  They offered us a cabin for the night at half price and we ended up having a wonderful weekend! Unfortunately, the camper ended up being a total loss.  The insurance wouldn’t cover it and it’s going to cost too much for us to fix, so we’re still not sure exactly what we’re going to do with it. Right now it’s just a big paperweight…

May wrapped up the Spring feasts with Pentecost, brought a birthday celebration for our middle child and delivered a big change for our oldest, Jedidiah! After 8 years without a haircut, he finally decided to cut his hair.  It was a pretty big event around here.  Some of our dear friends gave him his first haircut and while it took us a while to get used to it, he loves it and we think he looks ever so handsome!  

We were able to celebrate our dear doula, Shelby, who was an integral part of the delivery of all three of our children.  After lots of hard work, she is finally a licensed midwife!  She has been a huge blessing to our family and it was an honor to celebrate alongside her!

We also said “see you later” to a good friend and colleague, Maegan, and her family at a fun local axe throwing place.  She has been a great resource for Trent’s real estate business and a wonderful friend over the years.  If you ever need lending, Mortgage Mama is her biz and she will take wonderful care of you!

The end of May brought an epic safari-themed birthday party for our animal-loving Levi.  We love going all-out for birthday parties (but not spending a whole lot of money).  This party didn’t entirely go as planned, because we got a monsoon in the middle of May, but all the kids still had a blast celebrating.  One of these days when I actually have time, I’d like to actually blog about each of the kids’ parties.

June brought VBS at our church.  This was my first year leading a class, but I got teach Levi’s class and we had a week of fun learning God’s word, singing, watching skits and doing crafts.  This year’s theme “Kingdom Keepers” was filled with medieval flare and centered on the armor of God found in Ephesians 6.

We also spent a lot of time swimming, splashing, and the kids went tubing for the first time ever!

We went to the zoo and the aquarium and had a rather scary experience hiking at Pedernales Falls State Park.  We had been down by the falls when Eliza slipped and fell.  Although it didn’t look like a hard fall- it was actually kind of a slow and awkward slip/roll- it ended up being quite scary once we realized she was bleeding from her head.  Since she had rolled into the shallow water, her hair was already dripping wet so the blood was mixing with the water and I couldn’t tell where the wound was or how bad it was.  We didn’t know if it would need stitches or what she might need in terms of help.  We didn’t have cell reception there and it was quite the uphill hike back up to our car and the ranger station (in 105 degree weather, might I add).  I grabbed her and powered up what felt like 100 steps and a steep hill right afterwards as she bled all over.  When we reached the top of the hill (almost at the parking lot), there was a group of people and it looked as if a park ranger was among them.  I asked if anyone there knew where the nearest ranger station was, and one of them (not the one I thought) told me she was certified in first aid and asked if she could take a look at her head.  I was thoroughly exhausted at that point, dripping with sweat and panting from the climb.  Moreover I was absolutely ready for someone to assess her wound so we would know what to do next. Thankfully, it was just a surface wound that wouldn’t require stitches.  We just needed to get the bleeding to stop.  I did, however, have to watch for signs of concussion (there weren’t any).  She recovered relatively quickly, we got some ice on it and enjoyed the rest of our day at the park together.

July brought all sorts of delight!  The month began with our 4th of July celebrations- we enjoyed the annual parade, followed by ice cream at DQ, then a pool party at a friend’s house with our nature group.

We had a lot more outside time, including a hike at McAllister Park where we happened to come across the very spot that Trent proposed to me after a mountain-bike ride together many moons ago.  It was fun to show our kids where their daddy asked me to marry him.

July also brought us a gift from half-way across the world- our Taiwanese exchange student who we hosted 5 years ago, returned to us!!!  She had planned on coming before, but Covid and its repercussions delayed that quite a bit.  Yi-han came with her sister, Ruhan, to work for the summer at Horseshoe Bay, only about two hours away from where we live.  The reunion was so very sweet.  When she left 5 years ago, Jedi was only 2 and a half and Levi was a newborn, so it was very cool to see them connect all over again.  Eliza loved “the sisters” and this ended up being the first of several visits.  She got to reconnect with all of our family and friends she had met while she was here.  We’re so thankful that we got to spend that time with them this summer! We already miss them terribly and the kids ask often when they can come to our house again.

At the beginning of the month we dropped off our van because it would occasionally not start.  The problem had been getting worse and we wanted to get it taken care of before our big July road trip up to Minnesota to visit my family.  What we didn’t know then was that the part (as MANY parts are) was on backorder and we wouldn’t see our beloved van again until mid-December!!!  My mother-in-law graciously let us borrow her car for the trip (and for several months after) and we began the three-day ascent “up north.”  Along the way we stopped to visit the Essers and the Barrons, both dear friends that we met during our time teaching in China.  Upon our arrival in Minnesota, we were able to celebrate my nephew’s 2nd birthday, go to a water park, help raise monarch butterflies, play at parks, fish, watch horse races, visit friends, spend time at my sister’s cabin and visit my old college stomping grounds at Northwestern College.  Minnesota could easily be its own blog post, but this is just a rough overview of the highlights!

August brought us further north to my sister and brother-in-law’s family cabin for a weekend and then up to Breezy Point for a week at the lake with my family.  We swam and swam, went boating, kayaking and canoeing, played at the playground, had lots of sweet cousin time, ate tons of ice cream and I got to go horseback riding (which I haven’t done in years).

We left Breezy a few days early so that we could swing through my TWENTY-year high school reunion! It’s crazy to me that I’m old enough to be 20 years removed from high school. In some ways that feels like yesterday and in others, it feels like a lifetime ago! I wasn’t really sure about going, but I’m really glad I ended up there. It was super fun to catch up with some of my old basketball crew (and other friends too!)

We powered back from Minnesota in two long days so that Trent could start back teaching again.  This time in a closer district and a closer school.  But it didn’t go as planned, and due to a toxic situation, difficult teaching environment, and concerns over his mental and physical health we decided once and for all, that teaching is not something we need to keep going back to. He put in his resignation mid-November and spent the rest of the month into early December getting his insurance license.  He is now licensed in both Texas and California and sells all kinds of insurance.  He is an independent insurance broker with ORR and Associates so he has access to all the databases and can make a true comparison finding you the cheapest policy!  He is still doing real estate as well, the market just hasn’t been kind to most people and home sales are down everywhere.  Don’t forget (and tell all your friends), “Why rent? Buy with Trent!”

August also brought the start of school for both boys and fall soccer for Jedi.  This was our first year not being with Coach Abby and it was definitely a different season for him.  But it was really encouraging to watch him step up as a leader both on and off the field and we enjoyed watching him play!

September began the fall feasts (The Feast of Trumpets and The day of Atonement- Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, respectively) which we observed as a family.  Each year we have learned more and more about YHWH’s feasts and there is such DEPTH in them!  We are so blessed to continue to learn. I’m being sparce on the photos here, because I really want to do several separate posts on how we celebrated!

We also went to Typhoon Texas and attended the Comal County Fair.

October wrapped up the fall feasts with Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles.  What a sweet week of celebration together!  

We attended our neighborhood “National Night Out,” visited Chief Grandma Wanda, Levi jumped on the haircut bandwagon (this was his first haircut as well), we attended a banquet for “Options for Life,” went camping with our nature group at Inks Lake State Park and I went to the women’s retreat with the ladies from our church.

I also started watching our neighbor’s baby for a few hours each weekday while their work schedules overlap.  My children LOVE “Baby Abby” and are constantly asking when she can come (and fighting over who gets to hold her!)

Oh, and I don’t ever want to forget an incredible kindness that was shown to us this year. We’d been down to one car for quite a while. I was waking and loading up the kiddos every morning to bring Trent to work and then loading everyone up again each afternoon to pick him back up. Some friends tried to loan us their car but ended up just giving it to us. Like, who just gives someone a car?!? (Except- cool story- it was actually given to them as well) It was a tremendous help and we still feel incredibly grateful and blessed!!!

In November we got to attend Trent’s cousin Maggie’s wedding.  It was a beautiful wedding and a sweet time of celebration with family!

Jedidiah turned 8 years old this month and we celebrated him with a fishing-themed party (followed by a trip down to the pond for some actual fishing).  The boys are all about fishing right now, so it was perfect!  I can’t believe that we have an eight-year-old!!!

We enjoyed our second annual “Friendsgiving” with the Mosbys, which is always a soul-filling time with these dear friends.  The kids loved playing together and of course, it was wonderful for us to be with our besties too. Great friends, good food and matching jammies for the win!

Shortly thereafter, we celebrated Thanksgiving with our family.  It was also a great time and so good to see everyone!

December brought yet another celebration for our youngest.  Following her brother’s fishing party, Eliza’s theme was “under the sea.”  We loved celebrating our sweet three year old!

Other than that, our year stayed busy with Bible Study Fellowship.  I stepped out of leadership (as the Assistant Children’s Supervisor for the home school program) in May to have more time to homeschool, so now I am back to just being a regular old BSF attendee, which has been a blessing to me in this season.  I definitely miss the ladies in leadership, but I’m thankful for the extra time with my family. And I’ve been lucky to still spend time with these ladies outside of BSF.

We have been super blessed by our Wild + Free group this year.  Our weekly meetups have taught us about many different subjects (there’s a new topic each month), have challenged us to research and share through oral presentations in front of our peers, and have afforded us opportunities to attend things like the International Fair. We’ve listened to excellent speakers and learned about so much! We’ve taken tons of field trips- to the aquarium, caves, the aquifer, a local farm and have visited so many beautiful places and made such sweet friendships!  I’ve also been super blessed by the moms in this group and we’ve done book studies and had mom dates throughout the year that I always look forward to!

Other things that we did throughout the year were attending various “hymns and hops” events, being involved in book studies at church, gatherings with friends and going to SO many birthday parties and playdates.

Homeschooling has been a huge blessing to us as well. We spent tons of time outside in nature- journaling and exploring, took so many field trips, read, did presentations, went to the library, planted a garden, sold lemonade, created, baked together and listened to copious amounts of audiobooks.  We learned about so many different things through reading- different places- both here and abroad, history (Chernobyl, segregation, book smuggling, frontier living, the monarchy), and have engaged in stories of friendship, bravery and survival. Listening to audiobooks has become our favorite thing to do in the car- and we drive… a lot!  We listened to 16 chapter books from late July through the end of the year! One thing I added this year was to our wall maps- any time we read a story about an actual place or event, we add that book to the wall with a string leading to the place that the story was about.  Inside each “book” are some of the main things we learned about in that book and a small illustration of one of their favorite parts.  I’ve loved doing this with the kiddos!

They also found/acquired several animals this year (most only temporarily)- at some point we had several rough earth snakes, a worm farm, crawfish, tadpoles and minnows from the creek, frogs, a turtle and a horny toad. They continually added other insects/snails/caterpillars/butterflies that they found. But with each animal they brought home, we had to research what they ate, what they needed to survive and how we could best take care of them- it was all a great learning experience (for them AND for me!). And all these were all in addition to our regular ol’ cat and chickens! 

We took on various small-scale home improvement projects this year.  In the early part of the year our in-laws gifted us with rubber mulch for the “kids” half of our backyard.  They came over and we all laid it down.  It looks great and has made for far less mud being tracked into the house!

We also tilled the other half of the yard and laid grass seed in the early spring.  It took and looked great… for about a month… until summer.  Texas summers are just brutal.  It didn’t make it.  (queue sad music)

We got a new roof put on both the house and the man cave, and added some small skinny shelves on the side of our cabinet. 

Eliza got some big girl upgrades to her room- she graduated from her crib to a big girl bed and she got a kitchen! She absolutely loves playing with it and is always cooking for us!

One of my goals for this year was to do a puzzle each month and I don’t think I quite made it- I think I hit 11 puzzles for the year, but it was really good for my mental health to have some time to just sit uninterrupted and quiet my mind.

There were quite a few rough patches this year- My phone randomly went out, I got hacked and couldn’t get my Facebook account back for over a month, the camper busted, our car was gone for what felt like forever, our other car had issues, hard work stuff, starting something new (which is always a little scary)… and yet… I will choose to remember 2023 as a year filled with friendship, exploration, outdoor adventures, family, learning, growth, provision, the Lord’s protection and so much more!

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Posted by on February 17, 2024 in Uncategorized


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2022 in review

2022 was one for the books… while having many “highs,” we also MANY “lows.” At the beginning of each year, I pray over my word for the year, and this year the Lord led me repeatedly to a phrase- “stand firm.” I should have known then how foreboding it may be, but it was somehow comforting to know that in the middle of whatever trials and troubles and chaos would ensue, that the one who made me already knew and equipped me for what was coming at us this year.

As I’m beginning to write this, I’m sipping coffee this morning out of my Big Bend State Park mug and I’m reminded how exciting the end of last year was. We drove a full day out to West Texas to visit Big Bend National Park (and State Park). That week was full of adventure, exploring, excitement and wildlife. But the last day or two of our adventures, we started to not feel so great. We thought we were just fatigued from all the hiking and extreme desert heat and then subsequent cold and sleeping (roughly… with a baby in bed with us) in our camper bed. But it ended up being more than that- it was a week or two of aches, fatigue and respiratory symptoms. So it was a rough start going into the year… and unfortunately, it didn’t slow down much after that. I’m going to try to keep the “lows” short so that we can focus on the brighter moments of 2022, but here they are:

  • After several ear infections towards the end of last year (including on her birthday), Eliza got a double ear infection… and then another… but that time the first round of antibiotics didn’t clear it… and then we switched to different round of antibiotics… and that didn’t kick it. Then we went to the Children’s Hospital for a heavy-duty antibiotic shot and THAT didn’t kick it. So we had to go back for a second round… and a third. After that, we made the decision to meet with an ENT and get tubes put in her little ears. It was a hard decision (and I tried desperately to avoid it- we tried chiropractic care to see if some adjustments might help, I went dairy and gluten free for a while to see if that might help… but all to no avail). When we finally went in for her surgery, it was scary, but even then, only a few weeks after her last ear infection had finally cleared, the surgeon said there was already fluid building up again. I’m so glad we did it though, because I hadn’t realized how “not-herself” she had been until she was finally pain-free again! Ways we saw God’s sustaining hand through this- good doctors, a sweet friend who gave us her son’s appointment time, which allowed us to get her tubes an entire month sooner, and so many friends who came alongside us and encouraged us and prayed for us throughout the whole ordeal.
  • Getting put in FB jail repeatedly over ridiculous things *like posting my long-haired boy clearly in his swimsuit* (partial nudity) or *him eating a cupcake at a birthday party* (like, what???)- stuff that I couldn’t contest or argue. It shouldn’t have made me so angry, but it felt so unjust and that there was no way to rectify the situation or argue my innocence was incredibly frustrating to me. Those were the times that they at least told me why I was unable to post or like/comment for 14 days. There was another time that I just straight up was blocked and I had NO clue why. My FB is purely pictures I post of my kids and family that I post for my own record and for family and friends that live far away. It’s not overly ANYTHING else that should have gotten me put repeatedly in FB jail. And the worst part is that your “sentence” gets longer with each “offense,” which when they’re bogus like mine were (or completely unexplained at best) is maddening at best and infuriating at worst. The blessing in this- forced time away from social media.
  • Our fridge went out and we weren’t able to get a technician out for three days (so it was a mad scramble to try to save our food)
  • We had fleas… TWICE.
  • Stomach bugs, stomach bugs and more stomach bugs in addition to other various sicknesses throughout the year.
  • Our outside freezer went out in the middle of the summer (oh, and we discovered it the day before we were leaving for Minnesota) and it was a TOTAL loss. I’m talking our high-quality grass-fed beef, tons of meat, frozen fruit and vegetables, meals I had prepared and frozen, bags and blocks of cheese… EVERYTHING (most of which I bought on sale and before everything tripled in price). I cried. It felt like everything that we had diligently stored was stripped away. Thankfully Trent cleaned it all out and threw everything away so that I could finish packing and we could still get on the road as planned.
  • We got rear-ended in the Wal Mart parking lot by a teenager. He took full responsibility then, so we didn’t anticipate any issues, but then he decided that his damage wasn’t worth repairing so he didn’t file it with his insurance, so when we filed it, he denied responsibility and something that should have been a quick fix ended up taking almost three months and turned into quite the drama with us having to hunt down a witness, trying to get the security footage from Wal Mart (they’ll only release it to the police), we went to the police… their hands were tied. They couldn’t do much without an accident report, but even if we would’ve called the police, they would have only filed an incident report. We had the license plate of a witness but later learned that insurance companies are not allowed to legally look up the owner… and neither were we. We ended up posting a picture of the witness’ car and going to our Facebook community page asking if anyone knew the owner to this car and thankfully there was a lady who directed us to the witness and we were FINALLY able to get it resolved.
  • We had to do some pretty significant car repairs ($$$)
  • Both boys needed significant dental work ($$$)
  • A coyote got half of our flock of chickens and ALL of our neighbor’s chickens. It was scary. It was unsettling. It was devastating to our neighbors (and us, but at least some of our chickens survived). The kids had gone outside together in the morning because we were heading to BSF. Not 3 minutes down the road, Trent called to tell me of the carnage that he found. As we were talking on the phone, he looked over the neighbor’s fence and saw the coyote still there with one of our chickens in his mouth. As he tried to grab the bb gun and call the neighbors, the coyote got away. But as we were processing everything later, we realized that the coyote had been out (most likely in our yard) AS our children went out and they played for a few minutes in our alley way while the coyote was maybe 30 feet away. So, despite the sadness over losing our chickens, we saw God’s protection over our children!
  • Jedidiah ended up fracturing his arm. This is our first break. He fell off the playground during leader’s meeting at BSF. We ended up taking him to the ER where they took an x-ray of his elbow (which is where his presenting pain was) and it came back clean. But as we were leaving, he says to me, “it’s weird though, mom, I can’t lift it.” (from his shoulder) My mom instincts told me that there was something more going on, but we let it go a few days. Then we were at soccer practice and all the other moms were like… no that’s not normal, his arm is just dangling there… (which is what I had been saying, but not being a medical professional, I just trusted the system). Anyways, we saw God work in this situation because one of the other soccer moms is a radiologist and she literally texted her friend who is an orthopedic surgeon and asked her if she could get him in to be seen. She set up an appointment for the next morning and sure enough, his right arm was fractured just below the shoulder. I am SO thankful that she set us up because the first ER doc we saw said that if his pain doesn’t subside in 4-6 weeks that we should come back for a second x-ray. Can you imagine the poor boy in pain for that long because they made a mistake?!? Ugh! I am so grateful that the Lord provided for us in that way and that Jedidiah was able to get the help he needed!
  • Ridiculous dramas to get through to house closings… like stuff you wouldn’t even believe. Stuff you literally just have to shake your head and laugh at because otherwise it would make you go mad.
  • A pretty serious encounter with fire ants. Eliza-0, ants- 27.
  • Missing the birth of a friend’s baby. It is really a gift to be invited into such an intimate space and my dream job is birth photography… which of course I have no experience with. This sweet friend was going to let me do photos for her (but I’m thankful she had another photographer there!!!) but somehow Eliza turned off all of my imessages and I missed the whole thing. I was SO disappointed! But things always happen for a reason and it happened so fast, I may not have made it anyways!
  • Levi had an array of crazy things happen to him. His night leg cramps got really bad this year. Like 3-4 nights a week he would wake up in pain, crying and asking us to rub his legs for hours during the middle of the night. We tried 10 weeks of chiropractic care in the hopes that maybe something was just out of alignment, we tried creams, magnesium, homeopathic medicine, supplementing different vitamins in his diet… all sorts of things and we still haven’t really figured out what will help it. But thankfully, they have lessened in frequency a bit and we are *kind of* sleeping again. He also had a fever and broke out in a weird, whole-body rash at one point (not related at all to the leg pains). We took him in and the doctor said it was just an immune response (there was a big, long name associated with it), but it took a good week or so to heal. And then he got his first black eye… falling into the corner of a table. OUCH.
  • As many of you know, the real estate market took a hard swing from one extreme to the other. It went from a hundred people bidding on a single property to not a single showing in weeks. It went from people paying 50,000 cash over asking price to nobody even willing to pay the asking price. To say that our family business was affected would be an understatement. Everything that we thought we had lined up began to fall through. Our investors stopped flipping. People decided now was not a good time to move. People couldn’t AFFORD to move. At the same time, inflation reared its ugly head and we had some unexpected expenses and all of a sudden, we found ourselves in a tight spot. Although he’s still doing real estate, Trent started picking up odd jobs- he started quoting again for spray foam, but that wasn’t consistent enough, so he applied for a subbing job within our local district. It should have been a quick hire. He had fingerprints on file already and finished up the necessary trainings relatively quickly… and yet we waited… and waited… and waited. While we thought he’d be working, we all of a sudden were scrambling even more because no money was coming in. And we continued to wait. FINALLY, over a month later, he was official. In the meantime, he’d been applying for all sorts of jobs and the week he was finally cleared to start subbing, he was officially hired at Angi’s to sell advertising for them. So he basically subbed for one week and then started this other job. Was it SUPER frustrating?!? YES!!! But are we super thankful?!? YES!!! This job is far superior to what we would have had subbing. He really likes it, he works in an encouraging environment, he works from home, he gets to eat lunch with us every day and pop in for both morning and afternoon breaks, the money is good and there is room from growth, and he has seen great success so far! He was even named “Rookie of the Month” his first month and tied with another lady for the most sales EVER out of the “bullpen.” Proud wifey here! But also, in the midst of a lot of financial uncertainty, we saw the Lord provide in such incredible ways. He provided relief from my in-laws, he provided groceries from a neighbor, meat for our freezer from a friend who needed to clear out space for some deer, grocery gift cards, a monetary gift from a friend, waived fees for conferences and retreats, leftovers sent home, a random woman at the store paying for our groceries… He has literally provided for our every need and built our faith through it all.
  • Oh, and even though this wouldn’t qualify as a BAD thing, it certainly wasn’t an EASY thing- Eliza decided at 20 months to potty train herself, so in the midst of everything starting back up in the fall, we potty trained. PSA- a car potty is a LIFE SAVER!!! Totally worth the extra few bucks we spent to not have to pull over and unbuckle all 3 kids to go into a *hopefully clean* gas station potty. That being said, I think we’ve literally pulled over everywhere between our home and New Braunfels like 100 times. Potty training is EXHAUSTING!!! But reaping the rewards now is totally worth it! Thanks for being ready even when I wasn’t, baby girl!

That probably seems like an extensive list, but I’m sure there was even more than that. It seemed like one hit after another, after another… all year long. “Stand firm,” He said. Praise God for that encouragement!

But then there were the great things! Some of our highlights were:

  • Hosting my sister and her family for Spring Break! We had such a nice time together, the weather was perfect and the kids had so much fun together!
  • Camping at Neal’s Resort out on the Frio River to celebrate a friend’s birthday.
  • Spring and Fall soccer with my long-time friend, coach Abby (even though the fall season got cut short due to Jedi’s fractured arm)
  • Hosting my mom in June when she came down so that she, Eliza and I could be extras in the Chosen’s “Feeding of the 5,000.” It had originally been scheduled for March (which in Texas would have been far superior) but ended up being more like the feeding of the FRIED thousand in the intense summer heat. If you haven’t checked out this series, it is free to stream. They have their own app- just search for “The Chosen.” Come and see!!! (I think we’ll be in episode 8 of season 3, which should be coming out soon! You have a 3 in 5,000 chance of seeing us.)
  • Being there for the birth of my best friend’s baby! What a gift that was! Welcome baby Eden!
  • Our annual trip to Minnesota. Since we have started driving (flights and rental cars are WAAAAAY too expensive), we’ve made really fun trips of it. We’ve been able to visit friends along the way and this time was no exception! We got to go to Catherine’s baby shower on the way up, then visit Zack and Katie- good friends from China. We had a great two weeks up there- we went to outdoor concerts, had epic water gun fights, visited lots of friends (Katie, Becky, Brittany, Cassie, Mando), got to be at my nephew’s first birthday party (and plan it), went to my sister’s family cabin, spent a week at Breezy Point with my family, had bonfires, went to movies, went to parks, hiked, and spent lots of quality time with family!
  • A quick day-visit to my favorite Minnesota town, Duluth. Lake Superior is my happy place!
  • We got to go to SO many fun places using our South Central Texas Pogo Pass (shamelessly plugging this and putting my affiliate link here). We had purchased these on Groupon on the recommendation of another good friend, and we had ZERO regrets! We got to go to the San Antonio Zoo, the Witte Museum, Rush Fun Park, Pump it Up, Pioneer Farms, Mt, Playmore, mini golfing, laser tagging, Austin Parks and Pizza, the Cameron Park zoo, the Thinkery, the San Antonio Aquarium, Wonder World Park, and the Buckhorn Saloon and Museum. We have been long-time advocates of giving our children experiences, not things, and this is the culmination of that! We got to go on so many different adventures and try many new things. We loved it! We’re thankful that my parents bought us another pass for this coming year!
  • Seeing many out-of-town friends when they came to visit- Michelle, and then Shelly and baby Dottie, my sweet friends from BSF; Katie, my college roommate; Amber and Stevie, good friends from our old church; my boo, Traci Sue- MN friend and fellow teacher; and AJ, one of our sweet friends from China.
  • Some other fun things we did were going to the Randolph Air Force Base Air show, the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, the Pearl Market, the San Antonio Museum of Art (where we saw the Tony Parker “Heroes and Villains” exhibit), the Silos at Magnolia Market, the horse races at Retama Park, the Alamo, the Riverwalk, snow-fest, and the Snake Farm. We also attempted roller skating at a rink for the first time!
  • Getting “snowed in” while visiting my best friend just north of Dallas in McKinney. Thankfully Trent had the boys and Eliza and I enjoyed the short bout of snow with my bestie! This wasn’t Eliza’s first snow, but since the first snow she experienced was when she was like 2 months old, I don’t think she remembered it so much.
  • Attending many nights of “Hymns and Hops” at local breweries. I just love hymns!
  • Getting to see my Wisconsin cousin Sarah when she came to Austin. She and her brother are my closest-in-age cousins. It was so fun to see her and meet up!
  • I got to attend a women’s brunch at our old church. It was called Dazzle and it was a nice morning with some good friends! We each got a framed Bible verse and of course, mine went along with the theme of hardships and standing firm against the evil one. It comes from 2 Thessalonians 3:3 and it says, “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and keep you safe from the Evil One.” I am very thankful for the reminders throughout the year to be strong and rely on the Lord for strength and endurance!
  • Animal encounters of many kinds- we got to pet a lemur and an albino boa constrictor at the Snake Farm, several farm animals at our local ag-barn and at our friend’s farm, trying to feed deer at Nana and Popo’s house, farm field trips, going to petting zoos, riding horses and then the kids got to pet a hedgehog, a Flemish Giant and an armadillo at a friend’s birthday party along with several different kinds of snakes.
  • We got to celebrate YHWH’s feast days! I think that this was our first year actually doing all seven (plus Hanukkah, which isn’t one of the feast days, but is still very significant both historically and in future prophecy). Each year we grow a little more in our understanding of each of them and have been so blessed by their significance to us as believers in Jesus the Messiah!
  • Kayaking, lots of hiking and outdoor exploration! We always get a Texas State Parks pass and enjoy exploring what our state has to offer! We’ve also ventured into some geocaching and the boys have really enjoyed that.
  • My best friend finally got her green card after THREE years of patient endurance! We prayed VERY hard over this and Praise God for answered prayers! Also so glad that we could be together when she finally received it in the mail!
  • I got to attend a local women’s conference called the “You Are” conference. It was a sweet weekend with some good friends and a nice break from the daily grind!
  • Being able to spend this Thanksgiving with family!!! And then being able to spend a beautiful “Friendsgiving” with our best friends!
  • My father-in-law is retiring after 45 years of service with the San Antonio State Hospital. They threw him quite the retirement party and we are so excited for him to be able to slow down and enjoy life!
  • We threw three pretty epic birthday parties for our three kiddos- a farm party for Levi, Pokemon for Jedi and a tea party for Eliza!
  • Tons of swimming, tubing, splash pads, river time and fun with friends in the heat of the summer! We also took a trip to Corpus Christi and visited our favorite spot just past there- Padre Island National Seashore.

Other notable things that happened in 2022

  • Jedi lost 6 teeth this year! We enjoyed his adorable, completely vacant front 4 teeth for a few months before his adult teeth started growing in.
  • We switched churches (after almost 10 years) and are now attending Fellowship Bible Church. The kids attended their VBS this summer and really enjoyed it and we have several close friends who had started going there. I did a book study with some of the ladies this summer and then the kids started attending AWANA there. Since they were already doing AWANA on Wednesday night, Trent and I joined an evening Bible Study called Interface. We’ve really enjoyed it so far and I also particularly enjoyed their women’s retreat back in October!
  • Our favorite local coffee place, Emily’s, shut its doors for good this December. We have SO many memories there over the years and it is the end of an era for our family. We are so thankful for all of the memories that we were able to make there! So many daily walks ended at their playground and we became good friends with the owners. Wishing them luck in their next endeavor!
  • Trent was an official YMCA sponsor this year. We are definitely proud to be able to sponsor such a great community outreach!
  • I actually ended up back in the classroom for about 6 weeks teaching Spanish while a teacher at New Braunfels Christian Academy was out for maternity leave. While I really enjoyed the kiddos, it reminded me that my current call in life is to be home, teaching and ministering to my OWN kiddos.
  • We joined a nature-focused homeschool group called Wild + Free. We love the weekly outings and have been able to make some new friends!
  • I am operating in a different role at BSF this year- I am now the Assistant Children’s Supervisor for the School Program there. Jedi is in the school program, while the other two are still in the preschool program. We’re loving this year’s study of “The Divided Kingdom.”
  • We said “goodbye” to our favorite backyard tree. After last year’s freeze, it never fully recovered and we finally made the decision to just cut it down.

Whew! That was a LOT! But what a year it has been. We’ve seen God’s faithfulness through it all and we are so grateful for everything he has given us! Praying for a better year ahead! Happy 2023!

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Posted by on January 7, 2023 in Uncategorized


Eliza Grace- a photographic birth story

Eliza’s birth was quite a whirlwind! You can read the full story of her birth here, but this is the story in photographs. A special thank you to Joy Crampton at San Antonio Birth Photography and to my best friend, Catherine Esser, for these special photos of our sweet Eliza’s arrival!

40 week bump pic. 40 weeks came and went…
At our 40 week appointment (which was officially at 40 weeks, 4 days). My water had broken the night before, but I hadn’t had any contractions yet, so we went in for our normal checkup. We had to do a non-stress test to make sure everything was okay with the baby. Everything looked good, so we went home to wait for things to start moving.
A full day and a half after my water had broken, we inflated the birthing pool and waited. I had had a few contractions.
Out for a walk (in my jammies, lol)! Trying to get things moving and enjoy the beautiful day!
Here we are curb-walking through a contraction. They picked up in frequency and intensity while we were out. I left our house in early labor, but definitely transitioned to active labor while we were out! (in a mere 20 minutes-time)

Hitting another contraction and taking our very last bump pic!

Everyone waiting at the house while I went on my walk. Daddy holding our baby, who wouldn’t be our baby much longer!
Everyone laughing after we walked in the door. “Go for a walk, they said… it will be fun, they said.”
That first contraction after walking in the door that was waaaay more intense. (Transition time!)
Shelby helping me breathe through it.
One contraction later and it dropped me to the floor. She was crowning here- poor Shelby was scrambling through all the birthing supplies trying to find what she needed.
Catherine trying to comfort me.
“Trent, assume the position” aka “Get ready to catch your baby!”
Sweet words of encouragement from a dear friend. This was as I was mentally wrestling with (and letting go of) my expectation to give birth in the pool (which only had about two inches of water in it). She’s letting me know that it’s okay. I’ve got this.
Daddy and doula helping baby girl ease out.
4:56pm. Eliza is born. Daddy holding her while our midwife looks on via FaceTime. Things happened so quickly that she didn’t make the birth.
Drying her off and waiting for her to cry.
Whew. Taking a moment to breathe while waiting to see my baby for the first time.
Those lungs work!
My mother-in-law became the official “timekeeper” for the birth since Shelby was the only one there. Eliza’s time of birth and first cry.
The umbilical cord was still attached (the placenta was delivered later), so getting turned around to hold my baby took a little fandangling, but this was the first time I got to see or hold her! Such an intense flood of emotions!

Getting acquainted with our sweet girl.

This photograph is particularly special because within minutes of her birth, she reached up and grabbed my necklace. It was a gift from my dear grandmother, who passed a few years ago (right before Levi was born). It was like a sweet hug from heaven.
“Good job, momma! You did it.”
Midwife on phone, “Did anyone check to make sure it’s a girl?” Me- double checking. “Yep! It’s a girl!”
My midwife Nikki, still on FaceTime

Mommy and her sweet girl!

Hi baby!
At this point, Shelby’s assistant Vanessa arrived and Catherine brought Eliana in to meet the baby.

Nikki arrives and meets Eliza!

Replicating the look from Levi’s birth as we walked down the hallway to the bedroom. Haha! I love my midwife!

Getting all my vitals checked in the comfort of my own bed.

Sweet baby toes!

Sneaking a kiss!

A congratulatory hug between father and new (again) father.

Meanwhile the kids were still playing outside, oblivious to the fact that their baby sister was here!

Taking some time to get to know her before all the kids came in.

Skin-to-skin time with daddy.

Levi happened to wander in. He climbed up on the bed and was quite curious about everything that was going on!

Levi watched on as Nikki checked out the placenta and we took the last few photos with it still attached. It is amazing what the body can do! Women grow an entirely new ORGAN to grow their babies!

Daddy cutting the umbilical cord.

Weighing our sweet lil chunk- 8 pounds, 8 ounces of pure perfection!

At this point, the older boys wandered in as well. I honestly didn’t even think to send for them, since we were still taking care of all the details and they had been happily playing together outside. We all watched on as Nikki finished checking miss Eliza out.

The boys getting to officially meet and hold their baby sister for the first time.

So grateful for Shelby and that she’s been a part of each of our children’s stories. Particularly grateful that she was here to help deliver Eliza!

Eliza with her Nana and Popo!

What fun to have a few extra admirers! Elijah and Eliana loved Eliza. They will be such good big siblings to their baby in a few more weeks!

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Posted by on February 19, 2021 in Uncategorized


2020- Looking back

Well, I know that 2020 really threw most people a curveball, and we were no exception, but amidst all of the chaos and unknown, this year allowed us to slow down, BE together and focus on our many, many blessings!

We rang in this year in Austin with our best friends from China- the Essers and the Mosbys. We all met in China and were part of the same house church and it just happened that we all had roots in Texas! So, even though we have been back from China for 6 years now, we all ended up back here and are able to meet up pretty regularly. We are so thankful that God brought us together half way across the world!

January brought a new look for me- I got my nose pierced! It was something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but the timing was never right. I decided it was “now or never” (because we knew we were going to be trying again for a baby again soon) so I got my support squad together and did it.  I’m super glad that I did!  *Thanks to Crystal and Chrystal for coming along!*

In late January we hosted visitors! My parents came down to ‘Ol San Antone for the first time since our wedding nearly 10 years ago!  We hosted them for a long weekend, visited Austin and hung out locally. The kids enjoyed time with their grandparents and we enjoyed having them here!

February brought Trent and I to Atlanta, Georgia for our annual EF (Education First) conference.  We enjoyed a weekend (kid-free, thanks to Nana and Popo) and checked out some of the important landmarks in the filming of “The Walking Dead.”

*Since then, we have taken a leave from the program. Although we LOVE student exchange and have really enjoyed our time there, now that we have three kiddos, we felt it was wise to take a step back for now.*

We knocked off one of my bucket list items by going to a lantern festival. This may have been influenced by our time in Asia, but I’d always found them quite romantic. We decided to take the boys along and are glad that we did- it was magical!

We also went to Schertz’ “Snow Fest” which was a lot of fun (complete with fake snow), went to the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo with our exchange students, drove out to Enchanted Rock to hike with friends and took family photos in Austin.  Thanks {Captured by Cat} for our first family photos since Levi was a newborn!

March began with our annual commitment to walk in the MS walk with team I Heart Hallie.  And then things got crazy… for everyone.  Spring break came… and things never really returned to normal.   Trent began to teach from home and I took to Zoom to lead my BSF group (Bible Study Fellowship).  While it wasn’t ideal, I’m super thankful that we were able to continue this way!  We’re also very thankful that Trent was called back to teaching late last year.  Although it wasn’t in our plan for him to return, God knew this whole pandemic was coming and was preparing our family for it.  The real estate market took a big pause and many of his clients’ situations changed during this time.  So we are so grateful for God’s constant provision! 

During spring break, we decided to go on a family camping trip to Government Canyon State Park.  We figured that camping was secluded enough to be safe and it was!  We had a blast!  We did a bit of hiking, ate lots of marshmallows and checked out some dinosaur tracks! 

We also went wine tasting for my best friend’s birthday, right before things were starting to get “locked down” due to Covid-19.

Unfortunately, March also brought early goodbye’s for our exchange students who ended up getting sent home early.  These goodbye’s were particularly hard because nobody was prepared for them yet- host families and students alike were devastated that their exchange year got cut short.  I’m super thankful for this last batch of kiddos- they were great!  I wasn’t ready for their early departure either!

April had us laying low and staying close to home.  We weren’t sure what this pandemic would look like or how long it would last. We hiked, biked, scooter-ed, played pickleball, gardened, explored, flew kites, had picnics, went fishing, jumped on the trampoline… everything we could think of to stay busy… not knowing that we would still be in a similar place over 9 months later. We also took up painting rocks.  We found a local Facebook group that paints rocks and hides them around town- this was what kept us busy for many months during this pandemic.  We went on walks nearly every day, searching for rocks and re-hiding them (while occasionally adding our own). 

We also found out some amazing news in April- we were expecting our third baby!!! This was entirely planned (prior to Covid), so I don’t count it as a Covid baby! Ha!

In May we decided to go to the coast to celebrate Levi’s 2nd birthday.  He’d been asking to go for quite some time, so we decided that his birthday weekend would be a great time to go.  We camped on the beach (which was QUITE the adventure) and then spent the next day frolicking in the waves, building sand castles and having fun in the sun. We were also lucky enough to learn that our baby was going to be a… GIRL!!!  My dearest friends came down from Austin and put together a little gender reveal “party” for us!  What a joy to find out that our family was growing and that the boys would get a baby sister!

June brought us up to Minnesota.  Usually we don’t go up until August so that we can partake in my family’s annual Breezy Point time-share experience, but due to the pandemic, we decided that we’d better go while we still could (we didn’t know if travel would become further restricted or not).  It worked out well- both of my parents were laid off at the time and most of my siblings were working from home so we were able to spend more time with all of them than we would usually get during a visit. We spent a lot of time outside- hiking and enjoying all the beautiful LAKES Minnesota has to offer (and rivers, and creeks and state parks).  The kiddos enjoyed spending time with their cousins.

When we returned we decided it was time to upgrade to minivan life.  We sold our trusty Honda CRV (which has been with us for the past 10 years!) and bought a Dodge Grand Caravan.  So far, no regrets!  We knew we’d need more space when the baby came and we are digging all the extra storage!

In late July, Jedidiah’s desire to have a fish came true- we bought him a betta fish who he lovingly named “Blue Rainbow Logsdon.” And then in early August we added two more members to the fam- chickens!  “Princess Lay-a” and “Hen Solo” have provided our boys with endless hours of entertainment and lessons in responsibility and they have provided us with EGGS!!!  Lots of free range, organic eggs!  

As August came to a close, we made another major purchase- a pop-up camper!  We’d been eyeing them since our March camping trip and had found the one we liked in late July, but due to the previous owners contracting Covid, we ended up having to wait quite a while to actually bring her home. 

September brought us several opportunities to use our camper- we took her to the Guadalupe River and camped there and then went up to Dallas and got to use her again.  So far, we are loving the pop-up life!  It’s so much more comfortable than tent camping and allows us the freedom to go more places together!  We can’t wait for more opportunities to explore and more adventures to be had.

September was kind of a crazy month- I had my first ever ER visit (and first ride in an ambulance) due to what they thought was a TIA (transient Ischemic Aphasia)- basically a mini-stroke.  It was very scary, but short lived, and after a follow-up with a neurologist, we determined that it was likely NOT a TIA, rather it was an asyphalic migraine and the symptoms that presented were due to the migraine.  A lot of weird things can happen during pregnancy and we’re chalking this up to one of them. At this point, only God knows, but we are so thankful for the Lord’s PROTECTION over me in that time. 

*Also, can we just take a moment to recognize how cool my pajamas are… I am clearly a child of the 90’s!*

A few days after my episode we had an ultrasound to make sure baby girl was doing okay. Thankfully, everything was well with her too!

Trent and I both celebrated birthdays this month along with some of our closest friends.  Trent also was the recipient of a teaching award from Academy Sports and Outdoors presented to him (via Zoom) by the former Spurs great Sean Elliott!  We are super proud of him!  

In October my mom came down for a visit.  We had a great week together and did all sorts of fun things.  One of our highlights was a visit to Tejas rodeo.  We had a great time walking the grounds, seeing the animals, enjoying the excitement of the rodeo events and Levi even got to sit on a horse!  He was pretty excited about that!

We also spent some time with our good friends Heather and Zach (who we met in China 7 years ago) on a huge private ranch in Mason, Texas (just outside of Fredricksburg).  We spent a weekend camping with them and enjoying exploring the 200+ acres by ATV.  We saw armadillos (for the first time ever since moving here 11 years ago), deer, turtles, a monster rattlesnake and Jedi even saw a water moccasin.  We had a great time with these dear friends and were very thankful that they invited us!

We also visited the pumpkin patch and visited the Snake Farm, which the boys enjoyed.

November brought us closer to meeting our little one AND celebrating our oldest one turning FIVE years old!  He was able to celebrate with a few close friends and with Nana and Popo.  He also got to do a soccer clinic run by my good friend Abby this month.

And that brings us to December, which brought our dear Eliza Grace into the world.  She joined our family via home birth on December 8th (only 5 days after her due date) and we’ve been smitten ever since!  I was thankful to have my best friend here for her birth and for the days leading up to it.  We were able to spend some good, quality time together.  You can read Eliza’s birth story here.

Aaaaaand that’s a wrap! Our year in a nutshell. 2020- a year that will certainly be remembered by all! While it was certainly a strange year, it slowed us down and brought us closer together. We are thankful for our many blessings!

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Posted by on February 11, 2021 in Uncategorized


Eliza Grace- A birth story

Here we go again- another baby, another birth story!   Everyone told me that baby #3 was a “wild card,” meaning you couldn’t really guess how things would go based on past pregnancies.  It could go slow, it could go fast.  So I really tried to enter into my labor space with very few expectations.  

Many people know that I went almost two weeks past my due date with Levi and it was a long and grueling wait.  So I was prepared to go past my due date with Eliza too.  I was hoping to make it to at least 40 weeks.  I know that sounds crazy, but those last few weeks in utero are super important and I still felt great!

*well, as great as you can feel at 40 weeks pregnant* 

My best friend, Catherine and her family planned on coming down the weekend after my due date in the hopes that she would be able to attend the birth.  Originally, I was going to have her do the birth photography, since she is an amazing photographer, and since the beginning of my pregnancy we have been talking about being at each other’s births.  Had she not delivered Eliana while we were in Minnesota last summer, I would have driven to be there for her birth.  But when Covid hit, their plans changed.  They moved from Round Rock (just outside of Austin- a 1.5 hour drive) back to Dallas (a 4-5 hour drive from us, depending on traffic, stops, etc).  Based on my last birth happening in about 3.5 hours, we didn’t know if it would be plausible for her to even make it to this birth, much less take photos.  So we hired a birth photographer, but still threw together a plan for them to come and decided we’d give it a shot!  Catherine asked me to guess when Eliza might arrive (as if you can actually guess) and they were going to commit to coming down and staying for the weekend.  If she wasn’t born then, we’d reevaluate the plan.

So the story begins on Saturday, December 5- two days past my December 3 due date.  We waited for Justin, Catherine and the crew to arrive.  They arrived mid-afernoon.  Jedi sat and tracked their phones, counting down the miles until his buddy Eli would be here for the weekend (and unforeseeable future until the baby was born).  I had been praying that baby would wait until this weekend (at least) to be born, but honestly craved a bit of time to spend together before Eliza’s arrival.  Saturday was pretty chill- we had big plans to barbeque, but the day ended up being cold and rainy.  So we ended up ordering burgers in and getting a pizza for the kids.  We chatted while the kiddos played and had a nice leisurely evening together.  Catherine and I did some curb-walking and took a brisk walk outside.  I felt relieved that they were here and excited for our time together.  Word for the day- “relaxed.”

Sunday came and it was beautiful outside!  After Eliana’s morning nap, we headed out to our favorite park- Crescent Bend Nature Park- for a hike.  We had a great time- we saw an armadillo, a bunch of deer, and lots of interesting insects.  The boys brought their magnifying glasses and enjoyed exploring together.  I enjoyed the fresh air and walking!  Catherine and I took what would be our last real “bump picture” together before baby would come (she is 32 weeks here).

We came home and fired up the grill, made some awesome kabobs and had a late lunch/early dinner.  The kids played until bedtime and then Justin left to head back to Round Rock where he would work until the baby came.  Catherine and the kids stayed behind to await baby Eliza’s birth.  After the kids were asleep, Catherine volunteered to keep an eye on the boys while Trent and I went out for one last date.  We decided to go to Chili’s (we had a gift card from my birthday)- we ordered an appetizer and dessert and just sat there enjoying the quiet and each other’s company.  We were home by 10 and we all retired “early” for the night, “just in case my water broke at 2am.”  Well, joke was on me- first for going to bed early.  Levi woke up with bad leg cramps (growing pains) and I ended up rocking him until nearly 11:30.  So it was midnight before we were in bed.  And second because it was nearly 2am when…

I woke with a start at 1:42 (according to the clock by the bed, which was three minutes fast, so really at 1:39am) to a gush of water.  I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.  Just like last time, I was pretty sure that my water had broken, but wasn’t entirely so.  I put on some incontinence undies just in case and crawled back in bed.  A few minutes later, I felt a bigger gush- rushed to the bathroom again and it was definitely my water breaking!  Everything was clear (literally- clear fluid), so I hopped back in bed, on a serious high and gently woke Trent to tell him that my water had broken!  I then proceeded to call my midwife, doula and birth photographer and let them know.  They all told me the same thing- “try to rest as much as possible and let us know when things start to happen.”  With Levi my water had broken in the early morning, but I still slept for another two hours before any contractions started.  Well… I was way too hyped up for sleep!  I couldn’t help but think that if Eliza followed the same timeline as Levi, I’d be holding my baby just as morning dawned!  It sounded perfect!  Finally I nodded back off and slept until nearly 9 the next morning.  I was a bit disappointed that nothing else had happened during the night, but was sure that as I got up and moving, things would start to happen.  

Well, the word for this day would be “anticlimactic.”  We stayed close by- did some more curb walking and lunges- but nothing major. I had my normal 40 week appointment that afternoon anyways, and since nothing was happening, Trent, Levi and I headed to “Mrs. Nikki’s” to check on baby.  (Jedi stayed behind to play with Eli).  Everything looked good with baby- we did a non-stress test, listened to her heart rate and made sure she was still moving well and had pockets of amniotic fluid.  FYI- I didn’t know that the body continues to make amniotic fluid even after your water breaks- it does!  I left feeling better- still hoping for her to make her arrival that day- but remembering to just be patient.  Babies come in their own time!

Side note- I never got “checked” this pregnancy (or the last).  I didn’t know how dilated or effaced I was, I was just trusting my body to do its thang.  That might seem crazy to some, but with Jedi I was at 3cm and 50% effacement for WEEKS and WEEKS before he was born.  It gave me a false sense of urgency that made the wait for him feel like an eternity!  I have since learned that there are so many factors (more than just those two) that signal to the body that the baby is ready to come and reliance on those things really doesn’t mean much.  Being checked, especially after the water breaks, only increases your chances for infection.  

I had a sweet friend from my Bible study check in and ask how things were going. I had messaged my fellow leaders asking for prayer when my water broke and everyone was wondering how things were going. I told her that everything was looking good but we were just going to wait for things to happen, and of course, that requires a lot of patience. She reminded me that “God knows! He sees! And she’s almost here.” It was a sweet reminder because we had just studied the story of Hagar and I absolutely love when God comes to her, meets her where she’s at, in the middle of aaaallllll her mess, and assures her of his provision and blessing. She responds by calling him “El Roi,” “the God who sees me.” I can’t tell you why, but those words were such a comfort to me!

We came back home with Chick-fil-A for everyone.  We ate together and all went to bed early.  After all, we knew that it could happen at any time!

…Tuesday morning came.  I dreamed all night that I was in labor and that I had waited too long to tell anyone.  I think I did have a few actual contractions, but nothing serious.  I woke up and nothing happened. NOTHING.  We sat around all morning- I drank coffee, we watched the new Mulan movie, Eli did his home school lessons, Trent inflated the birthing pool. 

I had two contractions between 9 and 10, then a 45 minute lull, another few before 11 and then another big lull- only one contraction between 11 and 12.  I sat on my birth ball and tried to keep things going (Jedi came and snuggled with me for a little bit). By about 2pm, they were coming a bit more regularly.  About every 10 minutes, but they still weren’t long, consistent or intense.  My midwife suggested that maybe I try to use the breast pump to stimulate labor.  That did speed things up a bit.  They were coming  more frequently, and starting to intensify, but were still short- only 25-30 seconds.  I decided to text my doula, Shelby, and our birth photographer, Joy, to come.  

During this time, I saw a text from a good friend reminding me that, “Sister, you’ve got this. He is with you.” It was funny because the song playing on my playlist as I read it was “Tu estás aquí” (You’re here) by Jesus Adrian Romero. It was just a sweet confirmation that things were going the way they were supposed to. I should also probably insert here that I had so many people praying for me and Eliza and for this birth. That brought me such great comfort!

3:40- Shelby and Joy show up.

By the time they showed up, things had tapered off again.  I felt almost bad, greeting them fully able-bodied with nothing really happening still.  Shelby took me back in the bedroom and we joked that she had time to give me a massage this time (last time she arrived right as things were getting real!  There was no time for any “extras”).  Her assistant Vanessa came shortly thereafter.  Trent came in and we all chatted there in the bedroom a while.  I had a few contractions start to pick up but again, nothing major. 

4:20- Catherine and my mother-in-law popped back to check on me and Catherine suggested that we go for a little walk to “see if we could get things going.”  Again, nothing was really happening and it was a beautiful day outside so I was game.  I needed a little change of scenery and a little fresh air would do me good.  We headed out and walked to the end of the block.  As we neared the end of the block, I had a contraction that made me want to double over, but I just kept walking through it.  

4:26- We crossed the street to come back along the other side and I hit another one.  Again… way more intense.  I relieved the pressure a bit by curb-walking for a minute.  Then Catherine suggested I take one last bump pic by the brick wall of the school across the street.  I hit another one that made me stop and grip the wall before I hit a pose and we kept going.

4:27- Last bump pic!

4:33- We get to the end of the block and I’ve had another two contractions in the time it took to get there.  The latter of the two I had to grip on and hold on to the fence outside the ag barn.  It belongs to the school district, so there are always teenagers driving up and down our street.  Well, one drove by (or I’m totally aging myself and assuming so because the window was down and the music was blaring) and I jokingly called out, “Use birth control!”  HAHA.  I thought I was pretty funny.  I probably scarred them for life!  We were about to continue another lap, but Catherine suggested we go back and check in and maybe call the midwife.

Later I would learn that Trent and Shelby saw me out the window as I passed by and watched me walk through one of them- they could tell that I was having a contraction, but we had no idea how real it was about to get!

4:43- We walked in the door and jokingly told my doula and photographer that I had definitely hit active labor when we were walking.  “Take a walk, they said, it will be fun, they said…” were the words that left my mouth right before another contraction left me gripping the edge of the kitchen table.  I heard the sounds leaving my mouth- things had changed again.  It was getting serious.  At that contraction, Shelby told me that she was messaging Nikki (my midwife) that we had turned a corner and that she should come. She also called to Trent to start filling up the birthing tub.

4:47- I had a few seconds of reprieve before another one hit and it literally dropped me to my knees.  I had another contraction there on the floor and I remember realizing she was crowning.  The crazy thing is, all I could think about was the fact that my pants were still on.  Shelby leaned over and asked me if I felt a pressure, and I let her know that yes, I did and she was definitely “there.”  Next thing I know, she’s calling for Catherine- aka “best friend”- to come over and help get my flip flops and pants off.  Trent is still trying to fill the tub.  As soon as my pants were off she was calling the midwife and letting her know that “SHE’S COMING.”  

Another side note- Shelby has been there for all three of our childrens’ births- she has been training to be a midwife since Jedi was born just over 5 years ago.  So I was completely nonplussed at the fact that she would most likely be delivering my baby and that Nikki would probably not make it. 

4:51- only 2 inches of water in the birthing pool…

What I DO distinctly remember saying is, “Well I guess I’m not going to make it in the water.” (If you read Levi’s birth story, you’ll know that I was DESPERATE to get in the water and even climbed in while his head was nearly half-way out- you can read his birth story here).  What followed was a re-assigning of roles as I hit all fours- We got Nikki (midwife) on FaceTime, Shelby (doula) got ready to deliver, Catherine dropped by my head and encouraged me as I pushed, my mother-in-law was assigned the role of watching the time and Trent was told to “assume the position.”  We would laugh about it later as Shelby told me how Trent came over and immediately dropped to his knees with his hands cupped and ready!  This isn’t his first rodeo y’all!  

4:54- Eliza was crowning and I began to push

4:56- Two minutes and 47 seconds later- she was here!  5 days past her due date… nearly 40 hours after my water had broken… on my dining room floor about three feet in from the front door… a mere 13 minutes after I walked in! It was not the way I envisioned her being born, but I wouldn’t change one bit of her story.  I get this crazy adrenaline high when I think about how crazy and fast it all happened… after waiting for what felt like forever!!!  HALF AN HOUR, y’all… from not even being in active labor to holding my precious baby girl!  Good thing we came back when we did- otherwise it would have been a street birth instead of a home birth.  Lol.

As we were sitting there on the floor waiting for Nikki to arrive, Vanessa (the doula’s assistant) walked in with the Chick-Fil-A that she went to pick up when we left on our walk and she saw us on the floor and was like, “I missed it!?!” Shame. She had been looking forward to attending this birth.

The nice thing about a home birth is that you just walk to your own bed and everything else happens there. Lots of skin-to-skin time, delivering the placenta, cutting the cord, nursing for the first time, newborn check, the kids meeting their baby sister. This is where it all happened! I’m so thankful for my amazing birth team and so excited that Eliza Grace is finally here!!!


Posted by on December 16, 2020 in Uncategorized


Doing it up- dino style!

Well, our little Levi just turned one! And of course, we had to plan a birthday party. It came after a VERY busy season of life and I was out of ideas and had no time to peruse Pinterest in the time leading up to his birthday. So my friend Heather threw out a few ideas- one of which was a “Dino-dig.” I immediately latched onto that idea because we already had tons of dinosaur things and, well… who doesn’t love dinosaurs! (well, maybe not the real thing, but you know what I mean…)

Soooo, I took some cute pics of Levi with his little stuffed dino for the invites and got those out.

SOOOO excited to celebrate!

We have such a hard time when we have parties… we have so many friends! I don’t say that at all to boast and I also don’t want that to sound like complaining, because we truly know how BLESSED we are to have so many people who love us and our family. But we have friends from so many different realms of life and many have been our friends for a LONG time, so naturally, we want to invite them ALL! The issue is that our house is only 1,000 square feet and we don’t have space for everyone- it is a logistical battle. We had about 50 people RSVP to this party so we had to cut off the invites (of course, not everyone ended up coming), but we still had a LOT of people here!

Getting Ready:

Anyways, in the few weeks before the party, I looked at Pinterest and got to crafting. Some things were really easy and a lot of things we already had. I always love to have photos of everyone and particularly like photo-booth style pictures, so I almost always have things people can choose from for pictures. So, logically, this is where I began. For Jedi’s superhero party, we had an awesome backdrop and so I thought of some ideas for a jungle-type background. I looked online and found several fun images for props and dug through our existing things to scrounge up some awesome Dinosaur sunglasses, binoculars, expedition hats, and a “camera.

Some fun sunglasses we happened to have
Lots of fun things to choose from!

We already had a fun Power Wheels jeep (without a working battery) that we got as a hand-me-down that was perfect for the kids to sit in and do some “exploring!”

Haha! I like to call this one “that face you make when you get a flat in dino-country!”

Then my only little splurges were on these suuuuper cute dinosaur tails that I found on Amazon (and will resell when I’m done), some dino masks (Hobby Lobby) and two foam dinosaur heads (Dollar Tree). Photo booth, check!

Even the adults had fun with the tails!

When I’m doing a photo booth, I always like to have a little sign as well, so I found a cute font online for the ROAR and then hand-copied a dinosaur I found online. I used a simple stencil for the rest and voila! Sign, check!

Check out the fun we had with this!

***Taking photos of everyone who comes also comes in handy when making thank you cards. I just print out a picture for them and write a little note on the back!***

We also had two special guests at this party. My mom (from Minnesota) flew down to surprise us and be here for Levi’s 1st birthday. It’s been 8 years since she and my dad have been here! She flew solo (literally) because my dad was on a road trip. We missed having him here, but were thankful that “Grammy” could come! Also, my best friend Catherine and her son Elijah returned from China (where we met several years ago) just a few days before the party. They made the trip (totally jet-lagged… AND pregnant) from the Dallas area all the way to San Antonio to celebrate with us! It made our day so extra special to have them here!

Of course, the star of this party was Levi himself. I found this adorable dinosaur costume on Offer Up! for 10 bucks and couldn’t resist a mini photo shoot with my little dino. I then used a few of these images in frames as decorations.

At first birthdays in particular, I think it is so important to document growth! So I picked my favorites of each of his monthly photos (plus a newborn pic and another of when he turned one), printed them off and matted them to hang as well. Here was the final product.

Just look at that little cutie!

I printed off a few signs for around the yard and made a few more to mark off certain areas.

You may not be able to see it, but there is a Jurassic Park sign on the fence behind the playground. PARK being the operative word here.

We also made a sign and some dinosaur footprints to put out front so people would know which house was ours.

I had printed out a dino footprint online, cut it out, and traced it on cardboard. Then I cut out the print and made myself a stencil. I put the boys to work making prints leading up to the house… they turned out pretty cute if you ask me! Thanks guys!

We also asked our sweet friend Kathy (who had to work so she couldn’t make it to the party) to make Levi a party shirt. She was able to take the same “1” I had created for his birthday invitations and put in on a onesie. It turned out so cute and used all the colors we were using for the party!

Isn’t his shirt the cutest!


At kid’s parties, I try to keep it simple… what are the things kids love to do??? PLAY. I put out some dinosaur coloring books and crayons and markers for kids to color with. I had a tub of dinosaur books for families to sit and read. I set out balls and toys, chalk and bubbles, a “ball pit” with a dinosaur that “eats” the balls. I even set up a game of “cornhole” for the kids or the grown-ups to play with.

The kids (and adults) enjoying themselves!
Apparently the dinosaurs wanted to color too!

I set up the sand box as a “dino-dig” by putting a wooden apatasaurus dinosaur puzzle (disassembled, of course) in there along with some “dinosaur eggs” for the kids to dig up and “discover.” My goal was for the bigger kids to actually try to put the dinosaur together, but some of the bigger kids I thought would want to didn’t end up coming. I put out a bunch of shovels, paintbrushes and sifters for the kids to use while “excavating.”

The dinosaur “eggs” and dinosaur “bones” for the kids to dig up
Digging for fossils!


I did use Pinterest a bit when thinking of food ideas. The party was from 3-5, so we didn’t necessarily need a full meal, but we ended up with TONS of food anyways. The biggest staple… dinosaur chicken nuggets, for the “carnivores,” that we found at Costco for like 12 bucks a box! Throw in some fruit and veggies for the “herbivores,” chips/snacks, dinosaur fruit snacks, brownie bites- aka “dino droppings” and some Jordan almonds as “Dinosaur eggs” and you’ve got yourself a dino-mite set-up!

For drinks, we ended up just having bottled water and juice boxes for the kiddos, then sweetened and unsweetened tea. I was originally going to make some “Jungle Juice,” which was basically just going to be a repeat of our “Hulk Punch” that was a big hit (pun intended) at Jedi’s birthday party, buuuuut… time… money… extra work… all that, and my mother-in-law volunteered to bring the tea. So, we went simple. But if you were to want to make punch, it’s equal parts lemon-lime soda (whichever you prefer) and “Green Berry Rush” Hawaiian Punch, then just add a few scoops of lime sorbet and give it a stir! It’s suuuuper yummy!

For cake, we kept it pretty simple. Of course, I had grandeur ideas, but nothing ever materialized. I ordered a cake from Costco… because, when you have as many people over as we did, you need a BIG cake! Costco cakes taste great and are very well priced! Anyways, they didn’t have dinosaur decor and the only colors they had in our color scheme were yellow and orange, so that’s what we went with. I had every intention of decorating it with our own dinosaurs, but the spacing ended up not really working out. The dinos we had were too big, so we ended up using tiny dinosaurs that, in my opinion, were too small. We also had this idea that we could put dino footprints in the frosting… but it ended up just pulling the frosting off. Oh, well!

I made the little “ONE” banner hanging in the background and decorated the cake table with another stuffed dinosaur and a cute frame.
You can see the little blue and green dinos we added to the cake, and the attempted dinosaur footprints in the lower left-hand corner.

Levi had never really had cake before, so it was fun watching him go at it! He wasn’t sure about it at first, but once he had a spoon, he was all about it! He even shared with “uncle” Zach!

Party Favors:

Party favors were pretty simple. I found a big bag of inexpensive and environmentally friendly dinosaurs online and divvied them up in little baggies along with some dinosaur stickers and cool dino tats. Plop them in a bucket, slap a dinosaur saying “thank you” on it and that’s done!

Well, that’s a wrap! We had a dino-mite time celebrating our little guy turning one!

Oh, yeah… and the dino-fun just keeps coming! The boys run around the house in their dinosaur tails and chase each other! It’s great! SO. MUCH. FUN!

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Posted by on June 4, 2019 in Uncategorized


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Looking back… My birth team

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As most of you know, baby Levi was born at home.  This was our first home birth, as Jedidiah had been born at a birth center.  What do you expect when doing a home birth?  Let me introduce you to my team of superstars!

First of all, my midwives- Nikki McIver Brown and Monica Barrientes from San Antonio Nurse Midwife.  Can I just say- these ladies were amazing!  We loved Nikki from the moment we met her.  She was a no nonsense, but lighthearted kind of gal!  She has a lengthy background in labor and delivery and she worked in a hospital setting for many years before shifting to the home birth world.  She is a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM), which is a credential above most midwives.  She also has really good relationships and connections at the hospital where she worked (which put my mind at ease in case a transfer would have been necessary).  Her office is in Garden Ridge, so it was closer to us than the New Braunfels birth center, where we had delivered Jedidiah.  She was so great with both Jedidiah and Yi-Han during our prenatal visits.  We joked about Jedi always wanting to go “out-si-side” and she would let Yi-Han help with taking all the vitals and heart tones.  These ladies make my heart smile!





Next up, our doula, Mrs. Shelby Miller with Blooming Water Lilies. We’ve known Shelby since Jedidiah’s birth, actually. We attended her birthing classes at the New Braunfels Family Birth Center when we were pregnant with him and found them to be so thorough and informative that we took them a second time (and learned just as much, if not more)! She assisted in Jedidiah’s birth, but in a midwife-in-training capacity, not as our doula (I wish we could’ve afforded her with him). This time around, we asked her to be our doula and we found her to be invaluable!!! Let me just tell you that, although my labor with Levi wasn’t long, it was INTENSE, and I wouldn’t have handled it well without her there. She was so soothing and helpful. She did a million little things that really made a big difference. Even just knowing she was there put me in a different mindset. This time around, Trent was taking care of logistical things (aka calling my birth team, making sure Jedidiah was being watched, getting the birthing tub ready, etc.) and I truthfully don’t think he had a clue how fast things were moving. Well, neither did I, for that matter, so she was with me in the deepest throes of labor, when contractions were coming in waves and I couldn’t get a breath in edgewise. We were thankful to have her as a doula and as a friend!

Our birth photographer, Joy Crampton of San Antonio Birth Photography was also amazing! I was so bummed that we didn’t have a photographer for Jedidiah’s birth. When I went into labor, my dear friend Heather had agreed to take photos for us, but we knew ahead of time that she would be leaving for a family cruise around my due date. So when my water broke the day before they were slated to leave, she agreed to drive down from Austin and take photos for us. I think we all thought that Jedi would come sooner than he did and she stayed way longer than she should have, awaiting his (what we thought was) imminent birth. Well, who would have known that I would push for three and a half hours before he was finally born?!? She left about 45 minutes before he finally made his appearance. Soooo, that left me with a lot of photos of the labor… and really crappy phone photos after he was born (think red-eyes, low light and waaaay too much skin). That was pretty disappointing, so this time I knew we needed to invest in a birth photographer. I’m so thankful that we did!

So, funny story… Levi came so fast and furious that she missed his birth… by about 4 minutes. She walked in the door and I watched her face fall! She was absolutely mortified that she had missed it! But we had already told her about our birth “photos” from Jedidiah and had explained to her that what was most important to us was not the actual birth, but the moments afterwards… us snuggling and loving on our little love, him meeting his brother and big “sister,” etc. So, in my mind, she came just in time! We have wonderful photos and memories of that first day with him. Every time I look at them, I am thankful that I have them!!!

Oh, yeah, and did I mention that she was pregnant and also had a little boy named Levi only a short few months later?

The other vital members of my birth team were, of course, my mother-in-law (who had also been in the trenches with me during Jedidiah’s birth), my father-in-law (who was watching Jedidiah outside while all this was happening), our host daughter, Yi-Han, and of course, my husband!

They were such a blessing to me throughout the whole process. From getting things ready to taking photos, to whispering words of encouragement… I was super lucky!

So there you have it! My birth team! I would recommend any one of them and we were extremely happy with all of them!


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House of Mephibosheth- Da Dian, China

So we came to China, as we go everywhere, with a purpose: we came with the desire to love people, to help where we can, and to leave it a better place than when we arrived.  However, even with our best intentions, when you can’t speak Chinese, it is extremely difficult to connect with local needs (because we can’t UNDERSTAND the local needs).  So when some friends of ours mentioned a special needs orphanage in the Shandong province that may need assistance, we jumped on board and asked to go along on a small, reconnaissance- type mission trip that they were going to be taking.

We met up with Dave, Bruna and Frank, the driver they’d hired, early Thursday morning.  Being a Chinese holiday, we didn’t realize how much that would already affect our morning, but since there were no taxis, we had to take a bus and walk half a mile to get to them.  Then we set out for the small, rural city of Da Dian which was not too far away- only a three and a half to four hour drive.  We got to cross a bucket list item off our list on the way there… crossing the longest sea bridge in the world. The Qingdao Haiwan Bridge, going from Qingdao to Huangdao, China, spans a whopping 42.5 kilometers!!!

Traffic proved to be much more problematic than we had expected.  Since it was a holiday, not only were many more people on the road, but there were many more accidents.  We hit one stretch along this seemingly never-ending bridge and we saw no less than 7 accidents: some small fender benders, others affecting 3-5 cars.  Needless to say, the trip there took longer than expected. 

Finally, after driving down tiny dirt roads through fields and pastures, we arrived at our destination.  Just through the gate on our right side was the greenhouse, blooming with green, color, and produce; on our left were chickens and baby chicks running around squawking loudly; as we pulled around to park in front of their home, wild goats roamed and children played.  Welcome to House of Mephibosheth.

Why Mephibosheth, you might ask.  In the Bible, after King David’s (crazy) father-in-law Saul and his best friend Jonathan (Saul’s son) had been killed, he looked for a way to show kindness to their family.  He asked around to see if there was anyone in their family who was still alive. By chance, there was one son of Jonathan remaining- his name was Mephibosheth.  He had been crippled in both feet as a young boy and cast aside by society, but David took it upon himself to restore his father’s land to him and he promised to always let him eat at his royal table.  In the same way, House of Mephibosheth was formed to look after those who were abandoned by the world and to give them a chance to eat at the table of a king (Jesus) forever.

After eating lunch with Steve and his 8 children (both adopted and natural), he showed us around the complex.  Steve and his wife Xinwei had built this complex from the ground up (with actual planning and design assistance from the kids).  It had taken nearly 8 years to construct, but what a place!  Their vision for House of Mephibosheth was to make it a sort of play-land/ theme park for children with special needs, a place where these children could realize who they are and what they are really capable of, and where they could see themselves for their abilities, not their disabilities.  We walked down to the house where their 8 special needs orphans live and watched as they were gently fed and cared for. 

While we were on this first initial visit, we were astounded by one thing over and over again- people kept on coming; people from the village where they lived, people who had heard about their ministry and others who they had never before met.  When we were down there, there was an elderly man who had come to make an offering and he held Steve’s hand and cried because he felt so honored to give to such a wonderful ministry.  It was beautiful.  That was the first time the tears started falling, but it wouldn’t be the last.

We spent the afternoon with Steve’s kids Faith, Ben, Helen, Azariah, Zuriel, Rain, Cocoa, and Raymie.  There were more visitors in the afternoon.  One large group came and brought toys for all the kids so we spent lots of time reading, playing with play dough, doing puzzles and coloring with the kiddos. 

As the afternoon wore on, we jumped on the trampoline and watched the kids play in the water hole, making an imaginary boat out of a storage bin and playing “pirate” with each other.  Zozo (Zuriel) caught a fish, the boat capsized with Cocoa onboard, and the boat was pelted with “friendly fire” of pebbles. 

Then Steve sat down with us and showed us a documentary that the local CCTV (China) station had done on their ministry.  We heard the adoption stories of Ben and Faith, both with cerebral palsy and of Helen, who had a cleft lip.  We watched this mixed family interact and laugh and love each other and it was beautiful.  We sang hymns before dinner and then went to bed early after a long and exhausting day of travel and play.

The next morning we woke up to breakfast made mostly of things from their greenhouse, along with some fresh goat’s milk.  The boys (6 and 8) took us out for a run around the village.  We fought the wind, uphill and down, through fields and along the back roads of the Chinese countryside.  We encountered working farmers, toothless old men, lots of graves, and lots of smiles.  I’m sure they were all wondering who these foreigners were!

After our run, we decided to go into the city to buy some fruit as a special treat for all the kids.  We hopped in the van and went to a simple street market where we loaded up on cherries, strawberries, watermelon, apricots, mangoes… you name it! 

We went back and made a big fruit salad and cut up the watermelon and brought it down to the kids.  What a fun time!  Watching these precious little ones enjoy the sweet fruit with juice dripping down their chins while begging for more was so cute.  Little Moses especially made me smile… he LOVED watermelon… a baby after my own heart.  Shawn too.

We were able to spend a lot more time with the kids this time around, and especially with a little guy named Tian.  This little guy was born with deformed feet and had been discarded multiple times before Steve and Xinwei got to him.  They paid for him to have a surgery where they literally cut his feet apart and put them back together correctly.  But now he is able to walk and pull himself around.  He loved to come sit in my lap and have me carry him places.  He showed me the greenhouse and all the plants, he showed me the new buildings that were still under construction, he convinced me to let him jump on my bed (I couldn’t resist), and I pushed him around on a trike for a while.

These precious, precious feet!

Later in the afternoon, Steve finally put us to work.  Bruna and I offered to help Xinwei, Steve’s wife (who has cancer) but ended up staying back with the special needs kids and his kids (they always play together and his kids are very helpful).  We watched them play with the baby chicks and go down the slide. They were loving it!

Sweet baby Moses!

The boys helped do some random house things- fixing doorknobs, doors, and then the big project, trying to help fix Ben’s “quad.”  Yes, that’s right, Ben has a little four wheeler that he can drive and ride.  He had told his dad when he was younger that he wanted to run fast, but since that is impossible with his condition, he decided to build him a machine that could give him the same effect.  He is planning to make a Segway for Faith as well because it is her dream to dance.  It is amazing the things he creates! And all out of scrap pieces that he just puts together! What imagination!!!

Look at that expression! That, right there, is WORTH it!!!

What I love about Steve is his practicality.  His kids want something, he will make it happen.  He sees things in them that others do not.  Take Shawn for example.  Shawn is an adult, Shawn is mute.  Nobody thought Shawn was capable of doing anything… but Steve did.  Later he found out that he was completely of sound mind, he just couldn’t talk… but he sure can text!  So now Shawn has a phone and texts what he wants to say.  He helps take care of the other orphans.  Not only has Steve given him a job and a purpose, but he has also given him a voice.  It is a beautiful thing. Not only that, but Shawn is so full of JOY!!! He is such an inspiration!

That evening, we sat down and chatted. The kids showed us some blueprints for things that they were thinking of making… and we watched parkour videos… random, I know, but they loved them! We simply enjoyed our last evening there with this inspirational family. It was a beautiful time of love and laughter!

The last thing I want to share about our time there was a private time when just Bruna and I were chatting with Steve.  A family came in (one of MANY groups who came through there during our few day stay) and sat down with him to talk.  The old man and his daughter were believers and they brought her husband along, who had a bad drinking problem.  They asked Steve for help.  So, as we watched, Steve talked with this man, using Ben as his translator (Ben is BRILLIANT), and you could see that the walls that this man had put up were beginning to come down.  We watched this man come to Christ right there in his living room.  It was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever had the privilege to see.  The honesty in this man’s voice as he clearly recognized that he was a sinner and that he needed help to stop drinking was heart wrenching and as he poured out his heart to the Lord, I swear I could hear the angels rejoicing. 

Our time there was such an incredible blessing! We spent one more morning around their table and it was such a perfect picture of what our Lord invites us into. We have nothing in and of ourselves that qualifies us to sit at the King’s table, yet he invites us, he clothes us with righteousness, and he showers us with kindness, blessings and undeserved love.

After breakfast, we hopped on one of several buses that would take us back to Qingdao. Bus riding in China is always an experience… because in China, there is no such thing as a “full bus” or “personal space.” So when the bus filled up, people began to fill up the aisle and sat on the floor or stood. One guy even whipped out a stool to sit on! Dave ended up with a Chinese man sleeping on his shoulder. It was a hot, sweaty ride, but it was the end to an experience I will never forget!

I wish I could say that I know how they are all doing now, several years later. I do know that Xinwei has since passed. I have no idea how Steve and all of those kids are doing, but I do know that the Lord is faithful and that He WILL continue to provide for them!

The four of us with Steve, Xinwei and their family
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Posted by on February 17, 2019 in Uncategorized


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2018: a year in review

Well, we’ve had an eventful year!  I feel like I say that every year, but really, 2018 was cray-cray and packed full of fun, adventure, joyful hellos and sad goodbyes.

What have we been up to?


Trent finished his 11th year teaching, the last of which was at IDEA Judson, where he’s spent the last two years of his teaching career.  He coached youth basketball throughout the spring and then said goodbye in June. 

This year it was a different kind of goodbye.  It wasn’t the “see you in 2.5 months” goodbye, it was an “on to new adventures” goodbye.  Trent has left the teaching world (well, kind of) and has entered into the world of Real Estate!  He is now a licensed Realtor with eXp Realty

If you want to read more about that transition, you can read about it here

While he wasn’t intending to go back to teaching, there was a need and he decided to fill it.  The homeschool co-op that I teach at, Artios Academies, was in need of a pre-k teacher once a week, so Trent volunteered.  So he teaches there one day a week. 

More recently a new job presented itself and so he also works for Foam-It, a foam-insulation company.  It has a lot of crossover to Real Estate and allows him to make a lot of good Real Estate connections.


I have been staying busy at home with the boys, teaching throughout the week and spending time in ministry.  I went from being a mom of a toddler and a teenager (we had our exchange “daughter” Yi-Han with us for half of the year) to being the mom of a preschooler and a newborn!  Yikes! 

In the midst of all of this, I am teaching Spanish classes out of my home on Mondays, I teach at Artios Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and am a group leader at BSF on Wednesdays.  Joining leadership at BSF has been such a huge blessing to me this year!

Our family volunteers at Revolution Church on Sundays and we have continued to lead our small group on Monday nights.  Meanwhile, we are still working for EF High School Exchange Year, placing exchange students all around the US!  All of this keeps us plenty busy!


After spending nearly 10 months with our family, Yi-Han, our foreign exchange student from Taiwan, left us in June to go back to her family.  It was a teary goodbye for all of us. 

We loved having her here with us and it broke our hearts to watch her go.   She really did become like a daughter to us and we had such a great experience with her!  Our family did so many fun things together while she was here and we made many unforgettable memories- bowling, tubing the river, going to a Spurs game and a Missions game, visiting state parks, walking in the largest MLK march in the country, camping, visiting the Botanical Gardens, Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch, Sea World, Japanese Tea Gardens, the Witte Museum, and the zoo. 

Oh yeah, and she attended her first birth!  She was right there in the middle of things as Levi made his way into the world!  Pretty crazy, huh?!?


Jedi is now THREE!  How does that happen?!?  We celebrated his 3rd birthday with a super hero birthday party

Jedi is no longer a toddler, but a very smart, sassy, STUBBORN and unstoppable preschooler.  He loves LEGOs, superheroes, reading books and watching his “kewo” (Kindle). He talks all the time and his vocabulary grows by the day… also, his favorite question is “why?” WHY?????

He dealt with a lot of changes this year.  In addition to lots of traveling, job changes, funerals, etc., he had to say “goodbye” to his “sister” Yi-Han and “hello” to his new baby brother, Levi.  But watching the two of them together has been so sweet.  He loves “his baby!”


And, last but not least, the newest addition to our family, little Levi!  He made his debut 11 long days after his due date, but his birth was amazing.  He was born at home, right in our living room after a short, 4 hour labor… all 9 pounds, 14 ounces of him!  You can read his birth story here or follow the story through pictures here

We are so blessed by this little guy!  He is so smiley and content (well, at least if momma is holding him).  He is always on the move and he is just a joy to have!


We began the year, kid-free (Nana had Yi-Han and Jedi for the weekend), on the beaches of Cancun for our first EF National Meeting.  We enjoyed an all-expenses paid meeting/”baby-moon” in warm, sunny Mexico!  

I followed that with a cold trip to Minnesota, this time just Jedi and I, as my grandma fell very sick and spent several days in the ICU before passing away in February.  Although it was bittersweet, I can’t tell you how glad I was to have been able to go up and spend her last few days with her.  When she first got sick and was in the hospital, we didn’t know how serious it was.  I debated on whether or not to go, but Trent encouraged me to go and I will never regret that decision.  For anyone who was lucky enough to know my grandma, she was an incredible woman, full of love and laughter, who lived a life of service and, more than anything else, loved the Lord with all her heart.  She was one of my greatest mentors in my faith and in life.  We emailed frequently and I am forever grateful to have her words and constant encouragement for me to look back on. 

This trip was sweet for so many reasons.  My sister Christie was also pregnant and we didn’t think we’d get to see each other before we had our babies.  The time we spent together was sweet. 

Uncle D getting in on the action!

Jedi got to see his cousin Evie and spend some special time with her. 

Jedi and I got to spend some quality time with my grandpa, who passed a little over a month after my grandma did, along with a lot of extended family and friends that I hadn’t seen in a very long time.  

That was the first of FOUR trips to Minnesota this year.  The second was in June for my grandpa Jim’s funeral.  Even though he passed in March, he was cremated, so the family decided to wait until school was out (for the teachers, kids and family that would be traveling).  My grandpa was another person who I treasured deeply.  He was a man of fervent faith; he was funny, smart and creative.  I had the pleasure of reading his memoirs, which I am so grateful he wrote and left behind for all of us. 

This second trip was sweet because I had a little, bitty baby to show off, and I got to meet my nephew Rowan, born only 2 and a half weeks before our Levi. 

Trent was with me for this trip, and the four of us enjoyed being there for Rowan’s baptism as well as for the beautiful summer weather!

The third trip was a blessing.  Each year, my family has a time share up at Breezy Point Resort.  We haven’t been able to go since Jedi was little, so, after two sad, unexpected trips to Minnesota, my mom and dad offered to fly us up for an enjoyable trip.  So in late July, we flew up again.  This time we were able to catch a family reunion and I was able to see some family that I haven’t seen since Trent and I were newly married. 


That was followed by a week up at the lake with my family.  We had a wonderful, relaxing time together and Jedi loved it!

The fourth trip was in October and it was for a very special event, my baby sister’s wedding!!!  We are rarely there in the fall, so we were ready for fall colors and cooler weather.  We enjoyed our time playing in the leaves!!!

However, despite it only being mid-October, it SNOWED while we were there, which led to a fun snowball fight with Grammy.  We were completely unprepared for the cold weather, but Jedi loved it nonetheless. 

The weather was cold and rainy most of the time we were there.  The morning of my sister’s wedding was frigid!!!  Our bridesmaid’s dresses were very cold and poor Jedi was all bundled up over his handsome ring-bearer get-up.  But the wedding was beautiful and I was so honored to be a part of her special day!   We are definitely proud of her and we love her husband Billy!

Our travels this year weren’t limited to Minnesota.  We really wanted to make sure that Yi-Han got to see a couple of other places in Texas before she left (and before Levi came).  So at 37 weeks pregnant, we drove to the coast and spent a few days in Corpus Christi.  We had such a great time at the beach and we also got to kayak and go fishing.  Yi-Han caught her very first fish!

The following weekend, at 38 weeks, we went to Austin.  We’ve made several trips to Austin this year, always stopping to visit our besties (also from China) Heather and Zach.  These guys are the best.  We love them so much.  They hosted us for a weekend while Yi-Han was still with us so that we could show her the sights and sounds of Austin.  We hit up the Texas State Capitol, Graffiti Park, Yi-Han got her first pedicure, and we ate lots of yummy Austin food!  #foodiesforlife

Among other short trips, Trent and I also went back to Austin for their annual murder mystery party.  If anyone knows how to throw a party, these guys sure do!  They always pull out all the stops and this year was no exception!  This year’s theme was “The Grand Gatsby” and grand it was!

Before our second trip up to Minnesota, we went to Dallas to meet up with all of our best friends from China. We were finally together again! Heather and Zach, Trent and I, and Justin and Catherine!!!  Zach and Heather live in Austin (as you have just read), so we see them pretty frequently, but Justin and Cat hadn’t been “home” in three years, so this was a really special time that we were able to spend together.  We were able to celebrate Eli’s 4th birthday and Eli and Jedi were able to meet in person for the first time!

Seeing these friends was an incredible blessing and we had so much fun together. These gals are truly my “soul sisters” and the time we spend together is such a gift. 

My dear friend Catherine is a photographer {Captured by Cat} and she offered to do a little family session for us while we were there, so in addition to getting to see our good friends, we also got some sweet, sweet photos of our (newly evolved) family!

While we were in Dallas, we also had the opportunity to go to LEGOLAND and Sea Life Aquarium.  Jedi is SUPER into LEGOs so that was a fun trip.  It also fell on Father’s Day, and you know that Trent enjoyed himself there too!

On the return trip, we drove through Waco and were able to visit Chip and Joanna Gaines’ silos at Magnolia Market!!!  (HGTV celebrities and my faves!!!)  It was a SUPER hot day, but we still enjoyed a little stop there!

Other notable events:

Other than our travels, the big news this year was attending Trent’s 20 year high school reunion!  We spent a weekend with his old classmates over several events and really enjoyed ourselves and the opportunity to reconnect with old friends. The first night was a family-friendly mixer out at The Well, where we ate, hung out with old friends and watched Jedidiah dance! The second night was downtown- Trent and I got to have a kid-free date-night on the town!

We walked in the MS walk like we do every year for team “I Heart Hallie” (although we weren’t the cover faces for the event posters this year).

I got to attend one of my alma mater’s soccer games while we were in Minnesota this fall.  It brought me back to my “glory days” at Northwestern College (now University of Northwestern, St, Paul), although the campus has changed quite a bit since I graduated in 2007. Even though it was a frigid night, we enjoyed watching them play. Oh, and did I mention, they were division champs this year?!? Go Eagles!

We also want to remember those we lost this year: Earl Cooley II, Betty and James Settle, Marilyn (MeeMaw) Keller, Jamin Matske and our kitty cat- Little Grey.

May they rest in peace and may we someday see them again in eternity!

This year was full of blessings, laughter, tears, and family. Wishing you and yours a happy and prosperous new year! Happy 2019!!!

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Posted by on December 31, 2018 in Uncategorized


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Jedi’s third birthday party!

Gosh, y’all, Jedi’s birthday just crept up on us this year!  It was like 2 weeks before his birthday before I realized that we hadn’t even THOUGHT about what we were going to do!  Maybe it’s having a new baby, maybe it’s just our busy schedules, but it came fast and furious!

Jedi is REALLY into Superheroes right now.  He’s all about Batman and Superman and Spiderman… you name it… he likes it (well, except for the Hulk… he’s scared of the Hulk).  He’s also into costumes.  Nearly every day, he asks to wear one of his MANY superhero costumes.  He got a few as a reward for potty training, one was a hand-me-down, and the others we got at a garage sale (a whole box of costumes and masks, all for $5 DOLLARS!  #boymom SCORE!!!).  You can see a Stormtrooper, or Batman or Spidey strolling down Main Street or playing out in the yard on the regular.  

So the day after Halloween, we happened to be in Wal Mart grabbing some essentials, and saw the clearance rack full of costumes.  So I sent Trent to check them out to see if there was anything Jedi would like that he didn’t already have.  He came back with 4 Incredibles costumes… they just happened to have one for each of us in all the appropriate sizes (well, mine was a bit on the small side, but close enough).  Now what are the odds of that?!?  It seemed like it was meant to be!  So we bought all 4 costumes for 20 bucks.  The only problem was that we knew that the baby’s costume wouldn’t fit him next year, so we decided to wear them this year, even if it was only to put them on and take some fun family pictures.   Then an idea was born…

I realized how close Jedi’s birthday party was and we decided to do a DRESS-UP super hero party, with us, as your INCREDIBLE hosts.  🙂

Over the next few weeks, we threw together a party- we sent out invites and started getting things together.  Pinterest became my best friend (oh, how I’d missed you!) and my creative side began to thrive!  We were super busy leading up to his party (aren’t we always), so there were a lot of late nights spent getting things ready.  But here is how it all came together!


We had a few “formal” games and then some other games that the kids could just do on their own.  I found some cute printables that inspired me for some games, others I just added a little Superhero “twist.”

Game number 1: Pin the star on Captain America’s Shield

I bought some red, white and blue poster boards and went to work making Captain America’s shield.  I scoured my home looking for the right sized bowls/cups, etc to make the concentric circles, and then used a star cookie cutter to trace and cut out the star in the middle as well as the stars the kids would later try to “pin” on the shield.  Then I wrote one kid’s name on each star and put them in a bag.  Voila… done with that one!   All I had to do was hang the shield and hand out the stars.  Easy peasy! 

This game was a big hit!  The only thing I would have done differently is hang the shield a little bit lower… as you can see, the little kids all put theirs too low.  I had the kids all line up from youngest to oldest and, as I put tape on them, the birthday boy helped me pass out a star to each kid.  I had the little kiddos just close their eyes (or I covered them for them), the older kids got a blindfold.  I used a scarf I had given my grandma before she passed away earlier this year.  It had butterflies on it- her favorite.  So even though she couldn’t actually be here, she was still here in spirit.  ❤

Game number 2: Hulk Smash

I saw several different versions of this game.  Most used Hulk hands to smash ice cream cones.  We didn’t have Hulk hands… soooooo… I changed the game up a bit.  I had seen somewhere else online that you could blow up black balloons and pretend they were “bombs” that needed to be destroyed in order to save the city.  The kids could pop the balloons however they wanted- with their feet, hands, whatever!

The kids went nuts for this game too.  I did have to warn the little ones that it might be a bit loud.  But even the little ones got into it… just with their ears covered.  

The “Supers” even cleaned up after themselves and all picked up the balloon pieces when they were done.

The other games we had were just for fun and we didn’t do them formally.   These were simply a part of “Superhero Training Camp!”  The kids played these as people arrived, mingled, and ate.

Game number 3: Avengers Throwing Practice

For this game, I bought a 4 pack of thin, red plastic plates at Wal Mart for $.97 cents.  I used paper and that same star cookie cutter to make these plates into Captain America shield frisbees.  Then we used cans and decorated them and stacked them for the kids to knock down with the frisbees.  I got the sign printable free, but added a little extra flare with some clip art from the internet… and because I’m a nerd, I laminated it all.

Game number 4:  Cornhole

I didn’t have to do much to make this game superhero themed.  I just printed off some superhero logos, laminated them and slapped one on each side!  The kids loved playing this!  Grown-ups too!

Game number 5: Ping-pong toss

This game was also very easy.  I just printed off different point values and put them on several buckets.  (I was a teacher for YEARS, so I have all sorts of these things still sitting around.  I used to use them for different learning centers).  Then the kiddos had to try to throw the ping-pong balls into the buckets for points!  The closest bucket was worth 1 point, the second one was worth 5 and the farthest one was worth 10.

We were going to have another “game” but it was a flop… literally.  We have this cool blow-up Captain America weighted punching bag that one of our friends was thoughtful enough to give to Jedidiah after his baby brother was born… but it had a hole in it somewhere, so literally… it was a flop.  This wouldn’t have been so much a “game” as just something fun the kids could have done.

Other than the official games, my mother-in-law (who graciously hosted) had a swing-set and this awesome car roller-coaster type thing (for lack of a more official term).  That was a HUGE hit, especially with the older kids.  They LOVED it! And of course, Jedidiah loved it too.  He pushed it back up after EVERY. SINGLE. TURN. (his or anyone else’s).


For “thematic” foods, again, Pinterest for the win!  Some of my favorite touches were the “Thor hammers” (pretzel sticks and little blocks of cheese) and the Captain America shield fruit platter.  My mother-in-law prepared this one and it looked superb!  I saw several versions of this online- I went with the marshmallows because they were easier, but you could do bananas if you wanted something a little more healthy.  You could also use cherries or raspberries as one of the other red circles on his shield.  I used that same star cookie cutter to hold some vanilla yogurt in the center for dipping.  We also made green “Hulk” Jell-o cups and simply drew an angry Hulk on the clear plastic cups (you will likely notice that my artistic skills do not extend to drawing…).

Some of the other little things we did were simply a matter of presentation.  We had applesauce pouches that I put out in a Batman shoebox (from his superhero shoes that Nana gave him).  Spidey held the napkins, we put silverware in those inexpensive plastic superhero cups you can get at Wal Mart or HEB and of course, we decorated with some framed art as well.

Then we just put out some sandwich and veggie trays and we were all set!

The food table looked great!

For drinks, we simply had bottles of water and little juice boxes for the kids in a cooler.  I printed off a little sign for the lid that said “hero drinks.” 

I also made some “Hulk punch” using equal parts of Sprite (or 7-Up or any sort of lemon-lime soda) and “Green Berry Rush” Hawaiian Punch.  Then I added a couple of scoops of lime sherbet on top and voila!  Hulk Punch!  My pic isn’t awesome… I didn’t even realize my decorative Hulk had toppled over… but the punch was a big hit (pun intended). 

For the cake we ordered a chocolate cake from Costco without any decorations on it.  They didn’t have any Superhero themed cakes, so we just decorated it using his own Superhero action figures.

Photo booth:

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE taking photos.  I’m not an avid photographer by any means, but I sure do enjoy it!  So, of course we had to have a photo booth!  My mother-in-law found this awesome backdrop on Amazon and ordered it for the party.  I bought a cheap pack of cardboard superhero masks at Wal Mart and the rest of the props we either had or I made.  Thor’s hammer was simply a box that I covered with tin foil and the handle was an old wrapping paper roll that I had cut down to size and reinforced with some tape. 

Then I made sure to take photos of each family as they came in.  For thank you cards, I will simply make prints of these and write a short thank you note on the back.  🙂


We tried to keep the decor simple.  We had two signs as people came in. “Superheroes welcome” and a separate sign that Nana made.

Because of my son’s affinity for costumes, we decided to use these to decorate!  We hung them along the fence and trellis as people came in.  They ended up looking pretty cool!  

We kept the other decorations pretty simple- we taped a superhero emblem on each table- the picnic table where people ate, the gift table, the entry table and the kids table.

The entry table was Batman themed.  I used an old coffee can to create a city scape and added the Bat-signal to the top.  I also added one of his stuffed Batman toys, a photo of Jedi and his brother wearing some “super” shirts that one of Trent’s students’ parents made.  Beside that is a little frame that says “Little boys are just Superheroes in disguise.”  Then I just printed off some blank superhero logos and put out some pens and instructions for our friends to leave a note for Jedi and left it at that!

The gift table was decorated with what used to be Trent’s classroom treasure box- a cool Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle chest that we got for 7 or 8 bucks years ago at Ross.  Black Panther held a little “Gifts and cards” placard.

Goody bags:

Well, goody cups, in this case.  We set up a few party favors- superhero stickers, a Batman pencil, Bubbles, a few starbursts and these super cool snap bracelets that Nana found on Amazon.

I printed off little “POW” emblems and put them on the bubbles.

Then Nana set them up on the way out so all the kids could grab one!

That was it!  We opened presents and the kids wrapped Jedi up in a big group hug and then people went home.  

We want to give a very special “Thank you!” to Nana and Popo for helping with the food and decorations and for letting us use their backyard.  It was a wonderful party and Jedi had a SUPER time!

He’s got the best Nana and Popo!

Posted by on November 28, 2018 in Uncategorized


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